Friday, January 15, 2010

Itaillian bread and even Pinker hair

okay so first things first my pink hair had faded to orange almost imediatly luckliy though I had ordered the Special Effects dye on Sunday becuase I REALLY hated the light pink. It FINALLY came in and so last night as soon as I got home Big daddy helped me get it dyed. Holy Moly it looks AMAZING!!
Ready to see????

Looks good eh? I love it!!!! It looks sooo good.
On to other news. The other day I started a Biga for Italian bread .  Big Daddy got up at 4 am to set the dough out to allow it to come to room tempature before mixing it into the rest of bread dough. He was allowed to go back to bed afterwerds. I am not that mean. :) I just had a limited amount of time to get the bread made. Now the first lesson I learned was never rush bread. It does not like it. Second lesson I learned was I LOVE kneading dough... even it is for 10 min. I love feeling the changes the dough goes through.  It is pretty amazing. just how it goes from barely together at all to this squishy smooth elastic ball. It's kinda a turn on. If you have ever kneaded dough i think you understand. Anyways the dough turned into an amazing bread. I took a batard into work and it was well inhaled.  It was that good. Work was crazy as usual lots of friends coming in and hanging out. Babygirl got to meet some new friends and have someone to play with.  It was a tiring but really great day. Thank the Lord for blessed days like this!!!

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