Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bella Silvermist Precious or Jacob Edward

Yesterday evening when Nanna came to pick the girls up for their special dinner outing, we were saying our goodbye's I noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye. I go over to the end of the house and I look around. Suddenly I heard a teeny tiny meow. I called over Nanna and oldest who digs around and finds a tiny little kitten. Probably only about five or six weeks old. It was the cutest little thing black and white with white paws and the most beautiful blue eyes. HOWEVER. We just adopted Mimi and Tim was fine with that but only due to the circumstanses there was NO WAY he would ever allow another kitten. Not that I needed another hassle hahah. Well I finally talked oldest into putting the kitten down. We hoped that it would find it's way back to it's mother and possibly siblings. If it was still there the next day we'd take it to animal services. Yes I know the chances of it getting adopted were slim but it was the best I could do for it. Nobody I knew would be able to take it in. When oldest got back the kitten climbed out of its place and followed oldest to the door the ran back. Seems oldest had made a friend. She pleaded with me to let her take it to school and see if someone wanted it. I explained why this was not a good idea. She was excepting of the fact it could not stay. Today baby girl and I looked around but didn't find the kitten I was hopeful that it had found it's family. When the girls got home and were playing outside burning off all that rainy day energy who should appear but the tiny kitten from it's hiding place under the house and up to eldest it ran. We put it in the cat carrier and waited for daddy to get home and he and Oldest would take it animal services. While we waited oldest kept talking to it in the bathroom and and running out telling me about the kitten. Finally I asked the question I knew she was thinking.. Is your mother allergic to cats? Her mouth dropped open and she ran to the phone to call. Her mom said yes. Oldest got her baby. As long as it stays at her momma's house I am perfectly happy.

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