Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mommy Middlest Day

We had the BEST day yesterday! Middlest and I were on our way to Wisescrappers when we decided to stop by the local small planes airport to see thier Saturday FLY IN. It was sooo awesome! We were so close to the planes as they taxied. it was just amazing! Middlest and I had the GREATEST time!! We headed on in to work to play with boss lady. We once again discussed kittys for the shop. We actually found some this time!! 4 year old brothers named Frick and Frack they are the most beautiful cats.. well other than mimi.

Frick had not left his box by the time I left but Frack was getting to know the shop. Usually in a place he could hide but still he was getting around and getting to know things. His Favorite place by far was the quilt stand. He loved hiding under it.

As soon as we got back it was time for Middlest's kids scrapping class. She did soo good! I was a proud mommy!

The theme this month was pets. She did one page with Genesis Leigh and Indiana and the other with just Indi appropriatly enough indi's page says spoiled. She is soo proud of how hard she worked. It was a great time. Big Daddy and the other girls tilled the garden with out us. It was the only decent day we'd had during spring break. Now Spring Break is over. AWWWW... I'll miss them as they go off to school tomorrow...but maybe not until next week.  

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