Monday, April 26, 2010

Auntie and Uncle Oregon come to visit

This is Biggwrl's favorite person next to and maybe even above her Pookieboo.
This is Aunt and Uncle Oregon. The girls counted the sleeps until they got back in Alabama and anxiously waited for Sunday. Finally it was here!!!
THEY were here!!!! The girls ran into Gwama's house screaming, tackleing everyone with hugs. Luckly the little girls had to go clean their bedroom,, so Eldest got to spend time alone with Aunt Or. Which would not happen once her sisters were free.
We did the girl thing and we all cooked together.
Even the little ones.. well after they cleaned thier room.

After we got the food prep-ed and the girls room cleaned up we went outside to play.
The girls got to play tag and get Piggy-Back rides.
Then Auntie needed a break.

Auntie is going to be a Physical Therepist. She wanted to show off her skills so she did movement and reflex stuff on Gwama and the girls.
We had such a great day. We really miss our Aunt and Uncle but thanks to the Internet it wont be that long until we see them again.
Arn't they cute together?
BTW... BigGwrl was so upset she wasnt going back to Or. with them that the only thing that made her feel better was a Chocolate Milkshake.. cause Ice Cweam make her Happy... this was before she poked a hole in her cut and spilled it all over the backseat of Gwamma's car.

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