Monday, May 11, 2009

a day in the life of toddlers

Open the front door and see dirty dishes piled high after a

 dinner made by little hands. Cheese- it and Cheerio crumbs 

all over the carept left by hungry bellies. Index cards left by

 learning minds. Markers left out drying by creative minds.

 Laundry waiting to be washed and a mountian waiting to be

 folded left by days full of mud puddles and learning how to

"puddle" our bikes. Wet towles and lotion left by what were

 mud monsters now reveled to be angels. Bottles and cups 

left in little hidey holes where they were forgotten. Girl scout ,

 soccer, and gymnastic uniforms and equipment,thrown down

 after an exhausting day. Pots , Pans and Silverware left by

 exploring hands. Baby dolls and overturned strollers left

 abandoned by little mommies. Prom dresses, crowns and high

 heels left by little princesses. Make-up and toy cameras left

out by "America's Next Top Models". This is my day and my

 house everyday, and I would not 

change it one bit

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